Thank you so much. With this award i need to write 7 facts about me. I choose to write my 7th favorite place in this world. And there are :
01. France
02. Milan
03. New York
04. Hawaii
05. India
06. Swiss
07. Japan
I will pass this award to agathaversatileavenue, sweet and salty, too early, versicle, myyrh godframe, stain on my red shoes and a girl with her glasses.
Ka, kalo ga salah ka tara pernah nanyain gimana caranya ngesave gambar page di comp kaan ?
Yang kaya di post bye bye birdy aku itu hmm itu caranya gampang ko
Jadi kaka buka page yang mau disave ,trus pencet 'print screen' yang ada di keyboard bagian paling atas
Trus buka program paint , tinggal di paste deh
Trus save ..
Kalo mau di edit edit tinggal buka lagi di photoshop :)
Are you clear ? Hehe
Aku lupa kaka pernah nanya , pas aku buka buka comments lagi baru inget
Oh yaaa congratulations on the award !
I love france too . From those 7 places , I've only been to hawaii and new york hihi
Have a happy holiday !!!
thank you tara for the award.ahaha.. tp gua ga ngert itu apaan dan gimana.jhahaha
thanks for the award
haute MESS is an award?
did i miss the sarcasm sign or something?
mmmh.. Maybe it was just my eyes but doesn't "Haute Mess" equals to "big mess"? I don't know.. just saying though.
Btw.. yeah France is the best.. no matter how/when you just got to experience it =)
Please make sure you know what you're talking about before you write anything.Or at least google it first.
'haute' (French) :high-sewing/high dressmaking.
So most of the collections in haute couture, biasanya emang ga wearable, fashion for art.
It's silly when you say that haute is big.
The source of this award is from here :
The owner of the blog (Niki B) said : Thanks for having blogs that are a mess (as in collection) of all that is haute.
So more or less : koleksi high fashion yang 'berantakan'. Fashion for art. Kalo Tara iya sih emang mess, tapi art-nya?
Er, no comment.
tapi begitu nyampe ke fashion-blogger indonesia, kenapa jadi ada tambahan 7 things about me? Apa orang Indonesia ini jiwa narsisnya kuat sekali ya?
Honey, I'm not a keen fashion pixy like you all. I studied French and haute alone means high/big. What you called high-sewing/high-dressmaking is haute couture. And I do know it's not always wearable apparel.
That's all I know. Thanks for the info though =) =)
sabila : wah makasih banget ya udah di kasih tahu step2nya.
putri : jadi kamu tinggal taruh banner awardnya aja di posting blog yg baru terus tulis juga 7 hal tentang kamu, terserah mau 7 favorite selebriti,film, music atau apa aja dech, dan jangan lupa terakhir kamu harus memilih 7 blog lain untuk mendapatkan award yg sama.
dhyn : sama-sama.
ratu alay : no comment :)
cherrie : i love france too, thank you for leave ur comment.
fashion student : no comment :)
@fashion student: halah sok-sok fashion student.. palingan kursus di juliana jaya aja belagu banget
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