Tuesday, July 7, 2009

holla everyone, it's my new layout !!!!!! do u like it ??????
finally i have a new shoes, but i'm sorry i can't see the picture for now :(. Let's talk about my new blog. I like the new song from JASON MRAZ feat COLBIE CALLIAT with the song " LUCKY " , u can see the clip on my blog !! ENJOY !!!.

I'm hungry right now, so i'm sign out people. But u can leave u'r comment about my new layout !!!


Anonymous said...

nahhhh gitu dong,udah bagusan layoutnya,skrg tinggal taste sama cara berpakaiannya aja yg dibagusin yaaa...xoxo

NABILA said...

lagu "Lucky" kan bukan lagu baru, tara.
itu udah ada dari 2008 deh kayaknya

Anonymous said...

layout sekarang lebih bagus dan rapih.
yg kemarin terlalu rame,

bahasa inggris, dan taste berpakaian masih perlu diperbaiki ..

but good luck

C said...

bagus! yeah lebih rapi :DD
kalo soal taste sih its up to you coz your style is your taste. if u like it it means that you don't have to change your taste (:

baru komen lagi! sori ive been busy .

Anonymous said...

yup . you have to learn more more and more about ur english and ur fashion style . cheers !!

Anonymous said...

blognya masih berantakan banget, HTMLnya dicopy gitu aja ya? ga pas sama blogspot soalnya. Coba diutak atik HTMLnya biar rapih, biar bacanya enak. Thx




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