unbranded blue shirt, SUPER T brown shirt, unbranded blue short pant, clothing store blue shoes
unbranded blue shirt, SUPER T brown shirt, unbranded blue short pant, clothing store blue shoes
vintage blue jacket, dad training pant, clothing store blue shoes
vintage blue jacket, dad training pant, clothing store blue shoes
on SUNDAY morning i'll go to SENAYAN with my family. I have two choice for my sporty look, can u help me to choose one look??? and give me a reason ! please help me.....:)
Yg Right jelek aaah, kaya (sorry) tukang ojek, hehe.
Kloo yg kiri better lahh... :) btw kok blogny jadi aga gelap yaa? Bannernya brubh standard? Oke gud jop sess tara :p
anonymous: emangnya ada tukang ojek ya pake training pant, setahu gw nggak ada deh, bukan siapapun anda yg memberi comment ini, please berilah comment yg berkualitas, dan satu lagi jgn pnggil gw dengan sebutan itu karena gw nggak sama kayak anda :), thank's for u'r bad comment like that
Tara. Bukannya gue mau ngebela Anonymous di atas tapi lo itu seorang fashion blogger bukan? Jadi lo harus terima setiap kritik yang dikasih ke lo. Anonymous itu kan juga ngebantu lo milih yang tepat, dan menurut gue juga emang yang kiri lebih keren dari yang kanan. Jadi ya bahasa kasarnya terima aja deh kritik2 pedes orang2 ke elo, lagian kan dia muji look lo yg kiri. Dia juga udah bilang sorry kok sblm dia ngmg kayak tukang ojek. Lo gak terimakasih apa? Malah "thanks for your bad comment like that". I am sorry but i just dont like the way you reply your reader's comment. Seorang blogger itu nggak ada apa-apanya tanpa their readers. Gue juga pembaca blog lo. Anyway, i love your new header. Its way better than before.
I like the new layout tar ! Antics !
Say, kalo baru gitu aja udah merasa tersentil gimana nasib lo ketika lo berhasil, heaven forbid, menembus hutan dunia mode? Bitchy comments are our daily bread, darling. Dan comment tadi menurut saya sama sekali tidak buruk.
Oh about the look, I vote for neither. Sorry. Loose the electric short(S) and the training pant(S). Try some more masculine look, like maybe some black pants? And I guess trainers will only look good when you're a hot movie star wandering around hollywood.
PS. Please just please cut off the capital letters. Writing in caps means you're shouting and it's kinda rude
And the bad spelling is out of control
U'r should be your
Thank's should be thanks
Short pant should be shorts
Pant should be pants
TUKANG OJEK YANG PAGI-PAGI LAGI MANGKAL DI TEMPAT2 OLAHRAGA!!! betul tar, dunia internet itu banyak 'cobaannya' masa lu di sentil segitu udah sewot ??? why ?? liat idola mu, Diana Rika Sari, gak pernah tuh nyentil comment2 pedes yang ditujukan sama dia, sooo....LU HARUS TAHAN BANTING!!!!
o iyaa...emang yg kanan itu, nggak bgt deh!!!! : ) hehe... soo mending pilih yang kiri.
Gossip Girl!!
ngakak gua baca ada yang nulis, sess tara, hahahaha ;D
Setuju sama smua comment di atas. Gua rasa lu harus more masculine, trus pose" nya jga dibikin lebih masculine, bosen kali liat gaya" gg's wannabe! Liat ke bawaaah miring samping, soo boringg!!
Kecuali klo lu mau kaya Bryan Boy, ya udah sekalian aja gabungin feminin sama masculine, gampang kan? Hihihi
Masalah bitchy comment, gilaa lu, ga etis 'emosi' jawaban comment gitu, itu membantu lu tau,, soo sucess BUNG TARA!! :) (ga mau dipanggil sess kan? Hehe)
wow .. ada yg marah .. ckckck
santai bung . lo nyuruh semua pembaca blog lo komentar dan pilih salah satu , giliran udah dipilih malah marah . gua baca komen lo buat first anonymous ooow kok gini ya ?? lo bener2 gak bisa berbeasr hati . orang besar gak akan bisa besar tanpa kritikan . so i choose neither . ;p
ps . improve ur english please , bikin gemes sendiri . sorry :)
dua2nya jelek,stylenya kaya abang2 ditanah abang
Neither..Gak ada option c ya???
Sorry, yang kanan gw setuju sama yang atas (kaya tukang ojek) hihihi.
yang kiri kaya baru bangun tidur langsung jogging ;p
gw nggak tahu mau ngomong apalagi, intinya adalah kalian boleh kasih comment apapun tapi please jangan terlalu menyudutkan gw, for your information diana rikasari selalu menyaring setiap komentar di blognya, dan kayaknya gw juga harus melakukan hal yg sama, tapi yg pasti gw berterima kasih bgt buat semua yg liat dan kasih comment di blog gw ini ..
I think the worst thing is your pose, can't you stop posing like that? It's disgusting. You should consider people's comments, Tara. And I mean it. really.
tara, cuma saran yah.
bahasa inggrisnya dikurangin dong, atau setidaknya belajar bahasa inggris dulu. kalo tara gak gitu bisa bahasa inggris terus maksa2 biar keliatan keren pake bahasa inggris di blog, alhasil banyak grammatical errors sama spelling mistakes. just be yourself,k?
gaya lo kenapa kebanyakan liat kebawah, copycat diana rikasari ya ?
please your improve your style, malah anak punk pengamen lebih keren dr gaya lo...*peace out*
HAHAHAHAHA...NGAKAK BACA KOMEN2NYA!! "ABANG2 TANAH ABANG", "TUKANG OJEK", "ANAK PUNK", Kalian salah kaliii.. Gayanya mirip Taylor Momsen kaliii, hehehe :p piss!!!
kayaknya banyak banget ya yang gak menuliskan namanya di comment ini, kenapa??? tulis aja namanya kenapa harus pake anonymous semua?? padahal gw juga pengen mengenal siapa aja yg udah mau sempetin sedikit waktunya untuk liat blog gw, apalagi sampai kasih comment jadi please tulis nama aja.
buat another anonymous yg nulis gaya di foto gw mirip diana rikasari, sebenernya bukan cuma diana yg bergaya kayak gitu di foto, banyak ada susie style bubble, rumi fashion toast, bahkan di situs lookbook banyak juga yg menggunakan gaya seperti itu, jadi gw nggak sendirian, tapi akan gw coba memberikan gaya yg baru dalam foto, tunggu aja ya :)
@Tara : gak pa pa lagi dikritik, artinya kan yang liat dan baca blog lo banyak dan suka, makanya mau kasih komen hehehe
keep posting yah :D
Iya, diana, susie, rumi etc kan CEWEK!!! Klo lu?? Cowok kan?
Saran dr ur fan, lebih masculine dunk, plizzz.. Soalny wajah kmu kan cowok bgtt :p, hehe...
yup . gua setuju sama girinda .
ga ada cowo foto dengan pose nunduk , pura2 ngeliat sepatu dengan kaki disilangin . ngeliat foto elo sama kayak ngeliat diana rikasari tapi dalam bentuk cowok . be strong !! :)
ps. lo bisa coba beli baju2 di bloop , endorse , tendencies atau semacamnya . lo bakal keliatan jauh lebih baik .
im sorry but both of them doesnt look right, there's something wrong with your shoes in the left pic, while ummnn ive got no comment for the whole look on the right pic. its just so wrong, its like youre gonna teach PE class in an elementary school during winter.
uhmm terus typical alay banget gak sih gabisa nerima komen yang bertentangan sama pendapat lo lalu marah? gak profesional banget kalo lo ngereject komen yang LO RASA menyudutkan lo. coba deh lo baca baik2 semua komen yang ada. ok some of them sound bitchy tapi grow up man, thats fashion world. well well, gue rasa lo punya banyak waktu ya buat marah soal komen bitchy? hmm lo liat aja mayoritas bilang apa? ya kalo mayoritas bilang its ugly yaudah its their problem not yours, tapi mngkn aja emng they are filthy like what i think.
act like your age. you sounded like youre 10 years old. gue tau komen ini pasti didelete, how childish. yang penting lo udah baca ya.
(P.S: pernah kepikiran gak sih orang orang diatas itu niatnya semua baik, biar lo bisa lebih berkembang? for your information, i grow because people are bitching about me, not because theyre being so nice or lovely to me.)
oh iya speaking of hating the anonymous(es), here you go my name, NATASHA. pake caps lock biar keliatan. sekalian sama url ke blog gue. gak tau apa ntar abis itu bakal banyak komen talking trashes di blog gue dari lo ato bahkan anonymous yang ternyata lo? well, who knows, lets just hope youre not that childish as i thought, yeah? kalo emang lo gak childish, buktiin ke semuanya kalo lo emng gak childish dan gak gampang kesentil. gausah tersinggung. mngkn komen lu gak marah marah tapi keliatan kalo lu tersinggung.
by the way i like the looks on your looklet page better. i hope this makes you less offended.
yaelah baru dikomenin gitu aja ngambek, katanya mau kerja di dunia fashion
di dunia fashion, lo mau segaya, mau pake barang mahal, tapi kalo ga cocok ya dikritik
kritik yg dibilang para anonymous mah... yaoolllloh masih cemen...
kalo dikasih kritik itu yah didenger, bukan thank you thank you, tapi numpang lewat dicuekin...
orang kasih kritik karena memang ada yg perlu dikritik...
kalo ga mau dikritik gantiin anna wintour gih, ngritik dia mati karier orang di dunia fashion...
kalo ga mau dipanggil ses, kasih dong pose yang macho, model cowok ga ada yang pose begitu...
goodluck for your so called fashion bLOLg
no offense daaaaaaahling
Be Bold,Be Brave,Be Alay...
honey,mending ikutan acara Be A Man deh,srsly.
cant wait u'r new pose.it is will EPIC.
/hottalotta mode ON
To blogger (and readers),
you can choose either one:
1a. Both are nice! OMG OMG you're so talented! heart you my fashion god xoxoxo (and genuinely loves and means it)
1b. Both are nice! OMG OMG you're so talented! heart you my fashion god xoxoxo (then tell all their other fashion blogger friends to mock and laugh at you behind your back)
2. Both are okay but the left pic is better than the right one.
3. Uhm I prefer the left one. because the outfit in the right pic is kinda cheesy.
4. Neither is good. But the right one is worse. Looks like tukang ojek or ibu2 arisan yang mo senam pagi hari Jumat.
5. Those outfits are seriously unbelievably terrifyingly HORRIBLE. And the pose is just damn horrible. The photo taken, the color you chose. Everything in this pic is just horrible. Horrible. Horrible. repeat 1000 times. What's wrong with you? Get yourself some real life would ya?
6. ...And you call this fashion???
I'm just giving an illustration of what kind of comments you could get, as a fashion blogger, with these pics.
I personally would go with no.3 and suggest that you might wanna try browsing fashion magazines or websites for men, or as they could be unwearable to certain occasions, why don't learn some decent looking outfits that wouldn't appear outstandingly creative but at least not weird at all. After that you can improve and play with some inspirations to get your own signature style.
Look, fashionistas are artists (seniman). And artists are extraordinary. They do what ordinary people wouldn't do. And as a reaction of what extraordinary people have created, ordinary people would either:
1. instantly admire them for their creativity,
2. insult their artwork at first but later realize and appreciate it when the artists already died,
3. mock them first but respect them later because they are willing to learn and improve.
4. mock them forever because they never learn.
Possibility number 1 can only happen to someone really talented and lucky.
No. 2 is more likely to happen to someone really talented but not lucky enough to get people to understand her/his creativity.
No. 3 is going to happen to someone who aren't very talented but are lucky enough to realize her/his flaws and thus willing to learn.
No. 4 is only suitable for someone so ignorant and too pompous to know that she/he has no talent and thus would never learn anything for the rest of her/his life. They think they think they have created a masterpiece, but actually they're just pathetic.
You're a good person, I'm sure you would take my comment wisely :)
Goodluck Tara
Dear Tara,
(don't have to read it if you don't want to, it's gonna be long and extremely boring :))
You know what, I've been being one of your silent readers since uhmm, couple months ago.
And to be honest, it is this kind of blog entry (the one with heaps of exciting comments) that's been keeping me entertained.
Look, I perceive you as a kindhearted, genuine person who's amazingly passionate about fashion world. You really are a sweetheart, I must tell ya. I love it when you managed to handle rude and discouraging critics with thank yous and smiles. You looked tough dear! :D
But apparently this sweetheart is also a stubborn horse at the same time. Sometimes, or quite frequently now, I see you react unwisely towards harsh-but-honest critics like the one you've got today. And you're doing that while you mentioned you want to be a fashion designer someday in your previous post. What a contrary. And that's sadly, pretty shameful.
So my deepest apology for this confession, sometimes I enjoy reading blogs whose blogger is being so ignorant and stubborn. Like for example, posting some unbelievably ugly outfits and asks for reader's comments, then gets mad when one or two readers do not seem to agree with his opinion i.e by telling him that this particular outfit is seriously ugly. And then comes more and more comments either defending or MOSTLY offend the blogger. Yet the blogger still doesn't seem to wake up and smell the reality. And this kind of thing that actually makes your blog fun to read, at least to me. I'm sorry to say it but, I just couldn't help it. There might be meaner people out there that are giving you sarcastic comments or sweet words but mocking you behind your back.
Mungkin gue bukan pembaca yang budiman, tapi gue juga gak tega ngeliat lo dipermalukan di depan n di blakang muka lo.
So what's the point of me writing this boring long wordy comment that wouldn't get anyone to read it?
1. Because I'm always inspired by people who are struggling to pursue their dreams, like you, even though they don't have enough talents (compared to the ones who were born with it).
2. I just want you to improve. Although it means you're getting better fashion sense so no more people-mocking yet entertaining entries to read about. But I think someone like you is rare, one of a kind. And who knows you'll be a famous designer someday. You already have the unbeatable SPIRIT. Now all you need to do is LEARN.
I know you have improved. I notice that you know :)
Your fashion sense is unique, and pretty good actually, but you just can't apply it to yourself very well.
Now I just want to let you know that your blog layout is looking better. It's really nice. I'm glad you took your reader's advice to change your old layout :)
Your English is still less than than good and needs help. I'm not a fluent English speaker either, and my writing is just far from excellent. I make a lot of mistakes. But I want to learn. I wouldn't mind checking google.translate or dictionary.com and taking people's correction should my sentences contain any grammatical errors or inappropriate words.
What you can do now is accept Anonymous no.3's correction. She/he is right :)
Your patience and wisdom in encountering harsh critics has been slightly decreased..I think. What happened? I hope you get your skill back real soon :)
Never stop being passionate about fashion if that's your dream. And never stop learning. There are many potential things in you that require a lot of improvement.
good luck :)
di dunia maya lo itu harus terima apa kritikkan orng ke lo mo bagus mo ga.
lo ga akan bisa mencegah mereka untuk ga mengecam cara berpakaian lo.
buat semua komennya bahasa indo aja, ga usah pake english, biar lebih mudah dicerna.. bukan bermksud menyinggung, tapi buat sok gaya-gaya pake english tapi kalo pesn yang ditu ga yampe, mending pake bahasa indo..
tapi buat apa sok gaya-gaya pake english tapi kalo pesan yang dituju ga nyampe, mending pake bahasa indo.. biar si tara lebih ngerti..
hey dude, who is your fashion idol ? melly guslow ?
halo kak tara, nama aku amyra. aku kelas 2 smp hehe. aku kurung setuju dengan comments yang menyudutkan bahasa inggris kak tara. soalnya aku juga ngerasa bahasa inggris ku kurang bagus. emang salah ya kalo bahasa inggris kita jauh dari sempurna? kita juga kan masih dalam tahap belajar belom jadi expert. jadi kesalahan2 kecil harusnya dimaklumin bukan lgsg disudutkan, mentang mentang yg ngasih comment pada jago bahasa inggris jadi bilang kyk gitu deh hehehe. oke deh Dk tara, keep learning ya buat aku dan kak tara:D semoga kita bisa mengimprove bahasa inggris kita. oh iya, buat cita cita kakak jadi fashion stylist semoga berhasil yaaa :D aku doain kok hehe
NB:nih aku kasih identitasku biar kak tara bisa tau siapa aku hehe
gak salah kok syp blg salah????????????? cm jgn maksain aja. kan anonymous ke2 jg udh blg ke tara THANK'S SHOULD BE THANKS tp liat deh comment tara yg ke2.... teteeeeep aja THANKS jd THANK'S kan udh dikasihtau yaaaa perbaikin diri sendirilah lagian niatnya baik kok mau kasihtau yg mana yg bener yg mana yg salah. nobody's perfect gt gw jg inggrisnya byk yg salah, tp kl misalnya udh ada yg negur kalo itu salah yaudah perbaikin supaya gaksalah lagi. jd maaf ya tara bknnya mau nyinggung dll tp ya maukasitau aja. anyway gksuka pake anonymous????????????? liat anonymous yg ke2 di atas? yes. its me. knp pilih nama arnetta?????????? suka aja wauhwuahw mgkn lo blg 'ih sok2 arnetta'.......... bodo. ohya dan lo jg seharusnya jangan terlalu mengambil hati org yg blg lo kayak tukang ojek. gue tiap hari dikatain kayak pembantu krn nama gue ada siti2nya dll wuahwuaw tp ya biasa aja jgn diambil hati. dan kalo lo mau dpt comment yg berkualitas blog lo jg berkualitas dong! jd comment2nya jg bagus2 dan memuji lo&blog lo. ok?????? so keep posting Tara! Good luck :)
si amyra itu sok tau, ga baca dulu, tau2 bablas aja komennya...
yah maklumlah masih 2 smp, masih ABG.. j4Di k0m3n2y4 g@ P3nTin9
@Bg L4biL
bad publicity still a publicity!
way to go Tara!
you are successfully market yourself on this blog world :)
maybe you need to monetize your blog (with google adsense,etc) since i'm sure your "controversial-yet-so-interesting" blog keep gaining more readers than other boring blog..
spirit to you tara :)
yang pertama lumayan (coba ganti pake baju warna putih?mungkin lebih nyambung warnanya?), tapi no, jangan yang kedua, please? hehe.. good luck
@ Lhuri Dwianti
kind & constructive as ur comments might be, it's kinda ironical that u wrote in English (and not a simple one at that matter) when u fully realise how broken Tara's English is.
I could understand u perfectly, and gotta say :Great advice!: problem is, the person whom u're directing ur comments to wouldn't understand even 20% of it.
This goes out to everyone else who have been criticising the blog in ENGLISH too. Sersly, wat r u getting at? SPEAK INDO biar dia ngerti donk : )
@Tara, saya gak da komen sama gaya kamu. biar yg laen yg beropini.
oiya, gue mau ngasih tau aja nih, kayaknya lo nyerah aja deh jadi fashion blogger, gaya lo tuh jelek banget. gue kasian aja sama lo, blog lo jadi bahan ketawaan satu kelas gue, prihatin gue. baju lo kok itu2 aja ya? hehe sorry bosen liatnya. beli aja ditanah abang.
Dear Tara,
Gw baru buka blog lo hari ini (dapet infonya dari temen gw yang ngata-ngatain blog lo). Jujur, gw awalnya juga terbahak-bahak liat style lo.
Menurut gw, foto-foto lo gayanya sangat nggak banget. fashion sense lo zero. Dan lo marah-marah pas readers lo kasih komen yang jelek mengenai elo.
Gini deh, lo buat blog, which means you open yourself up to readers and give them permission to comment on your blog. so just grow the fuck up and santai aja kali.
Kalo sama readers aja udah ribut lo nggak bakal sukses ke depannya. I mean, please, mau kerja di fashion industry? mending lo mundur dari sekarang kalo gak bisa nerima kritik dan jadiin kiritk sebagai motivasi lo.
and one more thing, kalo foto pake gaya biasa aja. jangan terlalu terobsesi sama Diana Rikasari. She is human, bukan dewa. Lo juga bisa jadi kaya dia if you improve yourself and are open to critics.
I hope my comment can be useful for you and by the way, nama gw andrea. There, gw gak anonymous.
P.S : Maybe you should just stick to bahasa indonesia, and just stick to your current job (whatever it is you are doing, as long as it is non-fashion, cause you clearly have no taste at fucking all.
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