First of all , HAPPY EARTH DAY..
Keep your environment clean, say no to plastic bag, don't be to wasteful use of electricity and water, and there are many ways to keep our earth. It's all up to you readers.
Five days ago i ordered owl airmail wallet from Inksomnia, and yesterday the wallet had reached. Other than my wallet was also given a souvenir from Maliq 'n D'essential is a key chain. Thank you so much for Inksomnia.
click here to see Inksomnia online store
Keep your environment clean, say no to plastic bag, don't be to wasteful use of electricity and water, and there are many ways to keep our earth. It's all up to you readers.
Five days ago i ordered owl airmail wallet from Inksomnia, and yesterday the wallet had reached. Other than my wallet was also given a souvenir from Maliq 'n D'essential is a key chain. Thank you so much for Inksomnia.
click here to see Inksomnia online store
it's cute Tara!
oh ya.. have you planned to arrange some giveaway here!
I think people will get attracted! XD
dela : thank you girl, kayaknya gak ada niat buat giveaway deh, soalnya takut responnya gak bagus , jadi next time kali ya kalo sekarang belum kepikiran.
btw makasih commentnya... :D
tara... coba belanja sepatu disini deh
ini partnernya wondershoe tapi yg versi cowok
And World Water Day, Tara. :)
Udah tau ini belum?
Buat ngolah foto secara cepet.
cool wallet :)
check my blog out at...
dont forget to enter my sex and the city film set tour giveaway !
i think you are so diana wannabe --
anonymous : sbenernya udah tahu lama tentang Robinetwonders ini, cuma belum nemu yang sesuai aja seleranya, next time dech, makasih infonya ya :D
Linda R : wahhhhh baru tahu tuh , makasih Linda buat infonya ..
rara : seneng bgt bnyk comment yang ngasih info2 berguna kayak gini, gak kebayang ada situs kayak gitu yg bs edit photo secara mudah dan express, makasih banyak banyak banyak ya rara buat infonya ini, berguna bgt, nanti dicoba deh buat edit foto2nya.
michelle : thx u dear..
ricardo's oswin : jujur aja bukan diana wannabe sih, sebenernya secara kebetulan emang perlu ganti dompet baru, dan waktu liat dompetnya diana pengen jg pnya kayak gitu tapi yg untuk cowok, jadi alasan utamanya sih bukan pengen ikutin diana, tapi krn kebutuhan, btw makasih commentnya ;D
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