The Real Pharrell

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why i choose Pharrell as my new inspiration ????
Because i think he has a good taste of style and different style with another rapper.
And here there are Pharrell style picture , ENJOY .....


i likes pharrell blazer !!!!



great sunglasses, red hat, and the bling-bling on Pharrell ear.


Pharrell like shopping too...
but i don't like the big purple bag, i think is too feminin for him.


Pharrell street style... so simple right just wore jacket+ t-shirt + jeans and sneaker.


i likes black leather jacket.


with Kanye West and Marc Jacobs ( my favorite designer ) at fashion show.


Formal style of PHARRELL


CAN I HAVE A LIKE THAT pharrell ????
u gonna like that....


he loves hoodie too...

all photo by GOOGLE..


Gill said...

dude! that big purple bag is fucken Birkin..!!! you CAN NOT say no to that.

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

dear tara, please use "s" for every verbs that belong to he-she-it. for example is: he likes, not he like. and he has, not he have.

by the way, nice post tara. i love marc jacobs too. :D

Petty Arniza said...

Not all people love Birkin, you know...

I do love Birkin too, but definitely not with that color and size...^_^ Fancy with more subtle color, like brown, maybe?

adye said...

learn more about english .. :)
dan kalo lo terinspirasi ma seseorang , coba dong gayanya , dari sekian banyak photoshoot elo ga ada satupun yang mencerminkan gaya artis yg lo jadiin inspirasi ..

Tara said...

putri : thank's for u'r advice..

Tara said...

Petty arniza : i'm agree with u.

adye : sebentar lagi tungguin aja photo shoot gw yg baru, di jamin beda dech, gw pasti bakalan belajar bahasa inggris lebih lagi kok tenang aja..

Icha said...

gw setuju sm Gill. Gila lo menolak Birkin, it cost more than a honda jazz!

Tara said...

icha : gw gak nolak, maksudnya untuk cowok kayak pharrell gak cocok aja bawa tas warna ungu kayak gitu ..

PEACE for BIRKIN lover !!!!

Adrian F. Soekotjo said...

come on, people. even if birkin cost, like, a gazillion bucks, i will still think twice for purchasing.
first, it's a she-bag
second, birkin? really? REALLY?
Kalo manohara udah pake, pasti bentar lagi boom d indonesia.. ogah deh pake tas iconic yg kacang goreng gt.. mending kelly deh drpd birkin..




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