Helloooooo everyone...
I'm sorry if i can't update my blog, because my internet connection is error in two days. But i'm back now. Today i'll share what i bought at Brightspot Market last thursday. I just buy tees and shawl. Here are :
01. " Love Smells Good " tee from Monstore .
02. Classic muscle tank light grey and NN: 02 Rideaux Mous tee in washed blue from Nikicio.
03. Houndstooth shawl from Cotton Ink PF 2010 Collection.
Hopefully i can attend Opening Party Brightspot Market Christmas edition next December :)
Nite all..
I'm sorry if i can't update my blog, because my internet connection is error in two days. But i'm back now. Today i'll share what i bought at Brightspot Market last thursday. I just buy tees and shawl. Here are :
01. " Love Smells Good " tee from Monstore .
02. Classic muscle tank light grey and NN: 02 Rideaux Mous tee in washed blue from Nikicio.
03. Houndstooth shawl from Cotton Ink PF 2010 Collection.
Hopefully i can attend Opening Party Brightspot Market Christmas edition next December :)
Nite all..
wow, u bought much..
i just bought nikicio and cotton ink, hehehe..
miemi : ah gak cuma sedikit kok, wah kita samaan ya belinya, kok belum diposting di blog ?
aku iri:(
btw, im throwing my first giveaway.
would u like to see??
here is the link http://aribbonpolkastethoscope.blogspot.com
don't forget to join ya:)
hey tara :)
mau tanya dong, kamu kl nyari skin buat blog dimana ya ? skin blog kamu simple tapi bagus :)
ada saran ?
makasih :)
chie : thanks for your comment, but i can't join ur giveaway because that is for girls only ( the price is heels ) :)
farah : kalo untuk template ( bukan skin , tapi template ) blog yg skrg ini, gw lupa dimana alamatnya, cuma skrg gampang kok tinggal cari di blogger aja, klik design terus tinggal pilih template apa terus dirombak2 aja ukurannya . Thanks for ur comment :)
i bought the shawl too:) but i bought the tie dye type.
nice shots
sisterhood : everybody love Cotton Ink shawl :))
thx for your comment...
wow seleramu cewek banget ya Tar...
that's a good choice!!! i love your shawl and tees :) can't wait to see you wearing it
visit my store
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