I'm addicted with blue

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My new tee from Indonesian local brand : Gantibaju.com . I bought it at Grand Opening Mazee Party two week ago. I love the color , Blue !!!!!. FYI , Gantibaju.com design is made from Indonesian people, so if you have a design for t-shirt just send your design.

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Unique package from Gantibaju.com , if you buy at offline store at Mazee.
But if you don't have time, you can visit and shop at online store:

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unwinged.anang said...

Thanks or visiting our store, friend :D

Anonymous said...

Ih ngeri amat ini baju "made from Indonesian people".. Untuk bikin satu baju mengorbankan berapa orang ya? Pasti mahal ni, bikinnya aja pake orang.. Ck ck ck..

Anonymous said...

@anonymous: Ketawa-tawa gw baca komen ini...

Anonymous said...

Yak, yg bener adalah: made BY Indonesian people..



TARA / INDONESIAN / 31 / EMAIL : taratarabosu@yahoo.co.id

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