Say Something

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

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- sneakpeek of my new photoshoot this week -

As we enter something new , we certainly want the best , which is in accordance with what we want . But whatever it's all in the hands of God , because only God can decide anything for ourselves. We can only try , so just try and the end result is with God . In life there are times when we feel happiness and sadness too . We will not know when we can feel it . For me , life is full of surprises . As ordinary people , we just have to wait and must be able to accept it gracefully . As I always say , if God has the best decision . The best decisions are sometimes given a bad thing for us . But trusted me , one day you will realize that indeed God is always doing the best for us . 

When I decided to create this blog , I just want to be an inspiration for many people . Being inspired someone much more fun than to be famous . Because it is more long lasting . Be an inspiration for others , because when people see us do good , without realizing we already teach kindness to the people who look up to us . I started with sincere intentions , but in life , of course there are pros and cons . And I am more of the cons when starting this blog . That's not a problem for me , in real life everyday I 've experienced this a lot . I regard it as an input for my better future . Sounds cliché , but that's the reality . I continue to learn how to take good photographs , interesting poses , suitable clothes for me , and many more . With age I became more mature in action . Thanks to all the people who already know me through this blog . I learned a lot and take the positives out of what you give to me through this blog . This is not the end of my blog , I did admit there were a few times my intention to close this blog . But I feel this blog that has accompanied me for five years was a place where I can freely distribute what I like and what I want .

HAPPY MARCH , readers.

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