I Love Bazzar Jakarta 2

Friday, March 29, 2013

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Attended the event called I Love Bazaar Jakarta today. This is the second time the event was held. I was thrilled when a lot of local brands together in a place and sell their own work. The photos above are some of the items sold there were really caught my attention. Very hard to have photographed among many people who were there. But I managed to take some photos. There's just some things that made me interested in purchasing. And this time I just bought two necklaces with animal-shaped pendulum. I can not wait to wear it at the next photoshoot.


Arina Nahya N Nafia said...

Nice post!


Sabrina M said...

waaah keren aku kmrn ga sempet kesana loh tara :( btw thanks for sharing


Danny Suyandi said...

aaa nggak punya waktu to visit there. padahal pengen liat :(
thanks for the info btw! :D

mind to follow each other? :D



TARA / INDONESIAN / 31 / EMAIL : taratarabosu@yahoo.co.id

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