Walking Away ♫

Friday, July 8, 2011

Hello Friday !!!!!
Music. Almost every day I am always listening to music. During the journey to work, I always listen to music. Likewise, when I got home from work. Many of the songs reflect what I feel. But I most often listen to the songs a rhythmic slow, because it makes me calm and relaxed. But when I'm happy, I listen to upbeat songs.

Was not already entered the weekend again tomorrow. So sad, my mom tomorrow will go to Bali for a week and I'm alone at home. Actually I wanted to join but I have to work. But it would not mind, on Sunday I am going to come to the event Jakcloth 2011. In this event you can meet a variety of local brand. So excited!!

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I love the color of my earphone, its RED !!!!!

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Audrey Allure said...

Have a great time at the event :) Love listening to music to fit my moods too.

Hello Naka said...

blue :) and i love msuic, I need a new music player, becuase mine is broken :( and i miss listening to msuic and going to own little world :p and i lvoe your ear phones :)

Angel Garcia said...

Ha the teal phone cover and red headphones looks awesome!

All the best, Angel

Aul Howler's Blog said...


Red earphone!

Anonymous said...

kacamata itu kamu beli dimana?



TARA / INDONESIAN / 31 / EMAIL : taratarabosu@yahoo.co.id

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