My Dream , My Life

Friday, August 19, 2011

Japan is one of my favorite country in the world. Country's clean, neat, and cool. I hope someday I can go to the Land of Sakura, Japan. Each of what we dream, with a persistent effort surely God will make it happen. Life is beautiful if we have a dream, because then we become what we know to live in this world. So take heart and continue to strive to achieve your dreams. One more thing, always remember God wherever we are.

By the way today after I got out of the busway after work, I pass through the dead leaves that fall along the road. I always like to capture the beauty of nature in the form of photographs. In addition, I also see the buildings, which was already starting to fulfill the city. Love the variety of forms of skyscraper buildings.

Speaking of Japan, yesterday one of my friends give Kit Kat flavors of green tea which he got from his sister from abroad. I am very happy, because it's been a while I crave, desire to enjoy this flavor Kit Kat. It felt so good and in line with what I imagined. Thank you Budhi for this Kit Kat. :)

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Herdiana Surachman said...

love your new layout blog tara


Hippiegonemad said...

i love kitkatttt

Danny Suyandi said...

the kitkat look so delicious!

uchie suci utami apsari said...

the kitkat looks cute in japanese version
visit-comment-follow mine:)

Unknown said...

sumpah kit kat green tea itu rasanya kaya surga! enaknya luaaar biasa!!!! *drooling*

Sabila Anata said...

ka taraaa ur blog looks more fresh :D i like it <3

@inibudhi said...

ur welcome Tara, enjoy! :)




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