Good Evening all !!
Now it's time for see my new photoshoot. Just wearing plaid shirt , jeans and shoes. Thats it....
I called this photoshoot with : I'll stand by you. I like the lyric in this song.
Enjoy :)
Now it's time for see my new photoshoot. Just wearing plaid shirt , jeans and shoes. Thats it....
I called this photoshoot with : I'll stand by you. I like the lyric in this song.
Enjoy :)
Oh, why you look so sad ?
Tears are in your eyes
Tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me now
Don’t be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
Cause I’ve seen the dark side too.
When the night falls on you
You don’t know what to do
Nothing you confess
could make me love you less
I’ll stand by you
I’ll stand by you
Won’t let nobody hurt you
I’ll stand by you
Won’t let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you....
i love that songs too..
nice outfit
sii miemi : thx for ur comment
potongan kayunya jadi bikin fotonya unik :)
tapi ;
kemejanya kebesaran, jeansnya kurang skinny, sepatunya biasa bgt, ini saranku lho :)
have you ever considered get new hair cut Tara? maybe you should cut it shorter.
Iya bener tar. Udah bagus fotoshootnya. Tapi sayang baju dan celana kegedean. Terus sepatunya kurang ok.
tar , masih tetep kaya alay deh kenapa ya.
Jeffrey Andrean : sebenernya gak sengaja naruh potongan kayunya, cuma jadinya emang unik ya he..he.., soal shirt,jeans and shoes emang masih kurang ya, next time more better :) thx for ur comment..
dela : yeah i want to cut my hair, this week is my bad hair day.
anonymous : makasih commentnya ya, next time lebih baik lagi :)
anonymous : still alay ? hmmmm i think not, and please don't say that. I'm not alay :(
Tara.. aku sedih deh.. aku udah sampe balik dari tugas ke luar negeri dan ga buka2 blog kamu eh kamu gini2 aja. Mana yang komen makin sepi lagi. Udah Tar kalo ga bisa gapapa.. lo gak kasian apa ama gw yang selalu mengelus dada tiap liat blog lo. ckck
foto ke2 oke banget,kemajuan!
cowo bgt pose yg bawah2nya... tetep dianarikasari's style.
menurut gw, cara pakaian lo udh mulai style foto lo, kaki bengkok2 dll itu cewe bgt.mending lo lbh belajar gaya cowo deh. no offense!
yaelah ngaku aja lo alay. santai dong.
you are getting better of layouting your blog, another aspects cud be better too :)
oh ya one more,
"next time more better"
harusnya next time better :)
nice! keep this one up!
Akhirnya, ilmu lo sudah sedikit berkembang, maju trs Tar!
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