100% Indonesia

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nothing is more proud of me, when looking at products made from Indonesia could compete with foreign products. Last week I attended the event Jak Cloth 2011 in Senayan. Looking at a wide range of local brands that are sold there makes me happy. Many people who come and buy. I arrived at night after work, and when I got there I was surprised by how many people there. This makes me proud because a lot of people excited to buy goods made ​​in Indonesia. Unfortunately I do not see the items I wanted in this place, so I do not buy anything. But I enjoyed it very much.

Ps : I only got to take some photos of each booth. Because so crowded with people I can not take my own photos when I was there.

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Lucca Yoga said...

Sayang sekali saya tidak bisa ke Jak Cloth tahun ini.

Lucca Yoga

Fika said...

yuuupp..let's support local product!! :D

Anonymous said...

tara makasih ya comment nya :) km beruntung deh bisa dtg ke berbagai acara.aku sih ga bisa huhuhu..

Arnold Teja said...

Love those photos! Too bad I couldn't come :(

Audrey Allure said...

Wonderful images, what interesting products!



TARA / INDONESIAN / 31 / EMAIL : taratarabosu@yahoo.co.id

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