I am very inspired by Korean guy style for photoshoot this time. And I've decided for the next photoshoot (not just for photos but in daily life) I will be styled like a Korean Guy. I feel now when my style like Korean Guy, that's me. Finally I found a style that is right for me.
I was wearing my favorite blue pants, yellow shirt, and my lovely stripes sweater. I also wear new shoes that I wore in a photoshoot before. His shoes are very comfortable to wear and I feel very confident when wearing these shoes. I also wore houndstooth backpack that I bought new also. I really like wearing backpack lately. Honestly I like school children when wearing this backpack. I can not wait to make the next photoshoot with my style choices: Korean Guy.
감사합니다 ( "Thank You" in Korean languange ).
yellow meets blue, catchy! super love your blue pants :)
I like every piece of it.
cute color combination. love your blue pants <3
Loving the color combination and nice bag!
you rocked the pants <3
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korean is indeed inspiring! and wohoo love your bag pack lots xx
Letters To Juliet
love the colour shcemes! I love watching korean dramas too as well. gonna buy the korean dvd you told on the post. sounds cool! :)
Whoa, the blue color suits on you so well :)
crunchy cheese me
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