FASHION TROUBLE, somebody help me????

Friday, May 29, 2009

Rencananya nih tgl 2 juni besok mau jalan2 brg temen2 kerja ke PACIFIC PLACE, pas buka lemari baju kok jadi bingung banget mau milih pake apa ntar, jadi PLEASE......siapapun yg ngeliat blog gw sekarang, kasih pendapatnya mana yg harus gw pake .

Ada 3 pilihan nih, silakan kamu pilih:

1. dad's green sweater as scarf, brother's flanel, unbranded white pant, PUMA shoes

2. unbranded white shirt, PURI DENPASAR HOTEL white sweater, mom's black pant, ADIDAS shoes

3. distro black jacket, mom's black pant, D-I-Y stripped bag, ADIDAS shoes

PS: please pilih ya buat bantu gw, lumayan kan dapat PAHALA kalo bantuin orang he..he...

BYE EVERYONE, selamat memilih :)


Anonymous said...

I love the first look. you used sweater as a scarf ? it's so creativeee !

Tara said...

TALITA: thx tapi berlebihan gak ya buat jalan2 , ntar gw jadi center attention lg sama orang2 disana , by the way thx for u'r opinion...

Anonymous said...

hmmm kalo ga mau jadi center of attenion sih yang ketiga aja. hehe. itu juga keren kok.

daisy sunshine said...

hi! this is the first time i've found indonesian male fashion blog! hooray! keep in good work yaa tara :)

Siti Hartinah Putri said...

hihi i like the first one :)

Coco Chanel said...

OH GOD. I think everything is wrong with you and your outfits. and I mean it. everything . including your poses. I mean, look at them. are you gay? and moreover, you, wearing your mom's pants. it's still tolerable for a girl to wear her dad's shirt. but pants? and mom's? don't you have any pair of pants? uh-oh.. you are really facing a fashion trouble. and a style trouble. and you need help. Yes at least something is right = the title of your post . anyway.. good luck with your so-called fashion blog, buddy.

Janice Nerissa said...

@Coco Chanel : eew, coco chanel you are mean!!!! do you want somebody to put bad and hurting comments on your blog?? if you don't like his blog then don't even bother to visit it!! is it hard to just respect him and not saying bad things about him?? and you said that everything is wrong with him.. are YOU perfect?? cuz i'm sure you are NOT! and you are a coward!!

@Tara : take it easy yaa.. ga usah peduliin tuh comment.. i would prefer the 1st look, but without the green scarf.. jadi gak terlalu gimanaaa gitu.. hehe and about that hurting comment, anggap aja itu saran buat blog kamu supaya bisa jadi lebih bagus lagi.. stay cool, dude!!

oh and do visit my blog if you have time..

shelly said...

i have to agree with coco chanel ... maybe it's mean, but it's honest..

your clothes are ugly.. sorry for my honesty..

your poses are awkward .. sorry again for my honesty

still using paint? learn adobe photosop

read fashion magazines for references, buy some clothes at least from zara man or topman... change your shoe.. find your own personal style, stop posing like that other fashion blogger..

once again, it's honesty ...

don't stop, but keep learning...

about janice's comment

eew, coco chanel you are mean!!!! do you want somebody to put bad and hurting comments on your blog??

if it's bad, then why not giving the truth?

if you don't like his blog then don't even bother to visit it!! is it hard to just respect him and not saying bad things about him??

so you prefer other people giving him blind encouragement?

and you said that everything is wrong with him.. are YOU perfect?? cuz i'm sure you are NOT! and you are a coward!!

i'm not coco chanel, .. but i'm not gonna say wrong.. but not properly right..

Anonymous said...

it's okay tara. fashion is yourself, if you're confident with what you're wearing then why not ? right ?

Janice Nerissa said...

oh! you're right dear shelly!;)
it's just.. I felt that... coco said it in a very mean way.

I mean.. coco should've encouraged a positive way.. like giving him advices, but not by mocking/making fun of him..

it's just, in my opinion.. a cruel thing to do.

And I didn't prefer people giving him blind encouragement. I also put advices and I did criticized him on one of his posts. but it doesn't have to be.. umm.. that mean.

thanks by the way, shelly. I'm glad that someone made me realize that I was too...perhaps one-sided. and emotional.


I am rose said...

tottaly agree with coco, stop wearing that pants! there so many great pants in reasonable price outhere!

so happy hunting!

Petty Arniza said...

@Coco Chanel: What wrong if he's gay??? There's ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong about that.

But I must agree with Shelly, I guess Tara needs more reference for his fashion sense. And BE YOURSELF and you'll find your own style. So far, I think you're still the one and only male fashion blogger in Indonesia, that's great! Keep up a good work, Tara...^_^

Julianisme said...

Jarang-jarang nemu blog fashion cowo.

menggutip quote Nina Garcia; it needs more edit.

Every piece seems to be smashing into each other. Kalo bingung, start with a strong piece then build your style around it. Jang semuanya berteriak minta perhatian, fashion does not mean to be taken literally, work it piece by piece menjadi satu kesatuan.

Kalau kamu udah berani bikin blog, harus berani dikritik ya, seperti komentar Coco Channel. Like Shelly said, brutal honesty is still honesty. Kamu lebih menghargai kejujuran daripada diouji terus ditertawakan di belakang bukan.

Ditunggu post berikutnya.

Anonymous said...

@Janice Nerissa hmmmmm.... since fashion is not equal Democracy, coco chanel has the right to say what s/he wants, and s/he get my full support!!!!! Cheers!!!




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